Saturday 30 June 2012

BoxVale: Relaxing~

During our free time. . .

‘Dui ngau tan kem’ Playing guitar to the COWS. Hmm… what do the cows think of that and Grazette, the grey cow seems to be complaining =P

Woohoo P&A’s FANS~~!! 4 cows and 4 calves!

The innocent cows. . . They are the most compassionate looking animals here. Although Angie got stomped on her foot twice! But they are good girls, giving us milk everyday without objection. Their calves are just a bit naughty, giving us a good exercise, chasing them back to their pent every day. It was really good fun.

The piglets…! There are 18 of them. You will see them where ever there are food! The big piggies are kept in their pent. And each morning, the thunderous sound of PIGs moaning and screaming will be heard. Cause they want FOOD so much. Like 24 hours they are hungry. Gosh, once Peter carry a drum of sorghum feed into their pent, they will push him around with their nose/mouth and he’ll need to put some feed very quickly to divert their attention. Imaging to do all this in raining day, muddy floor, smelly piggies plus poked by their muddy nose…

The funny sight of the PIGS is when they rub their ASS on the wooden enclosure. Up down up down, left right left right. . . . And when those piglets eating the feed, we can pick up their tail and lift up the butt and they just don’t care at all.

Sheeps are funny when you see them in the morning with mucus hanging up to 10cm  long from their nose! They must be freezing eventhough they have waterproof and thick wool skin. And the chickens like to eat the mucus. Yuck...

The puppy dogs Missy and Magsie

Sammy the CAT
Tim Tam waiting patiently for her turn to drink the fresh cow’s MILK

So comfortable.. It's 'his' lounge..

Yay our first Horse riding session! SO excited. Angie have always wanted to do horse riding. Angie got Starlight while Pete got AJ. They are both FATTY and walk really slowly . . . taking their time. . .

Before riding them, we brush them for a while. The horses love being brushed, love the attention given. We always handle a horse from the left hand side. So we put a mat on its back first before putting the saddle. Then climb using left foot on the left paddle first and bring the body over. Never walk or stand behind the horses as they might get frighten and stomp you! It wasn’t difficult to learn horse riding at all. The most important point is that when you’re on the horse, look at where you want to go and not at the horse. Because the horse will know you are looking at them, and they will go anywhere they want.

NatiMoon just gave birth to little Peter & Angie! (NatiMoon, Angie & Peter) See Peter still has the sack on him cause mum hasn’t clean him. But Angie is so clean.

25th June 2012. It was a good day! Twin little lambs were born! OMG they are so cute. They have really long legs which doesn’t look right with their body ratio. LOL. When we saw the momma sheep in the morning, she only had one lamb born. Then in the arvo, the second came! The first lamb is a SHE while the second is a HE. They are named after US! How cool =) But poor lil Peter, the momma sheep wouldn’t take him, ignoring him and won’t let him feed, while Angie is being fed and cleaned. Maybe it was the mom’s first time and having a twin, she only wants to keep one, although she has two tits. So we had to hand feed lil Peter with cow’s milk each 3 hours.

Lil Peter knew we will feed him, so he would come running to us each time he’s hungry and Meehhh Meehhh Mehhh… So cute. He will go under our legs to find TITS and he will suck our finger as well. Lol. While lil Angie just sticks to her mother. Hardly can cuddle or even touch her!

Lil Peter just got to enjoy five days of his life on earth. When Angie got down to feed lil Peter, she couldn’t find him anywhere. After a round of search, Angie saw the house dog Magsie chewing something at the corner. And with fear, Angie saw little Peter. Without his head. OMG. It was so sad. His head was bitten clean off. And we had to burn him in the fire to prevent dingos (wild dogs) coming near the house. Poor Lil Peter must be sitting on his own, and not be with his mom since his mom would not take care of him. That’s why he is so vulnerable. May he RIP.

BoxVale Farm:Cooking Spree!

It was a good cooking training we had here. Cause we had the tools and ingredients needed! 

Hainam Chicken Rice!

Yummyyyyyy ~ ~ ~ Finally we can cook all the Malaysian food we want!! Although most of the dishes  are first trials! =P 

Steamed Double Skin Milk (sheong pei lai) [Bottom right pic]
We got to know this dessert in Hong Kong. The famous shop named Yee Shun Milk Factory. They have really good milk pudding. So we checked the recipe online and made thisà Ginger Double Skin Milk

It wasn’t too difficult. But the first time we made it was not smooth enough and the egg white was beaten too stiff so it wouldn’t harden after steaming for quite a while. So the second time turned out perfect! Taste like the Yee Shun product! =P

Boil the milk (2 bowls) and sugar (bout 3tablespoon) together. Then pour to 2 bowls. Wait for it to cool down and the ‘skin’ to form. Then pour out that milk into another large bowl but maintain the skin in the bowl using a toothpick when pouring. Then beat 2 egg whites until smooth and white. Add the egg white to the bowl of milk and then pour back into the 2 bowls. The skin will float. Then put into steamer for 10mins and tadaaAA!! Oh yea, add ginger juice into the milk before steaming for that extra flavour!

As you can see from the pic, we fail to make the double skin =P but it taste good still!

Homemade Smoked Bacon -  you can see the pigs here are eating good food. SUCH FATTIES!!! But it’s the BESTEST bacon we tasted in OZ!! Good smoky flavour~!

Thai style stir fry veggies with coconut milk

Pineapple fried rice

Greek style Moussaka (layered minced beef, brinjals, potato, bacon and cheese) made by Bill

Toni made us some real good classic Australian food like these ones:

T-Bone steak with baked potatoes and veggies

Corned silverside (beef) with veggies

BoxVale Farm: Farmers are REAL busy!

A farmer's day:

*Wake up at 6/7am depending on weather (now is winter) or lazy-ness
*Feed chicken, ducks and turkey
*Feed the three dogs, Preston, Missie & Magsie
*Feed PIGGIES with boiled sorghum and barley (or wheat) which was cooked the day before

*Trying to block the 18 piglets from stealing the feed

*Put a fire to cook the sorghum for tomorrow

That's the big boiler to cook the sorghum & barley for the piggies. Using firewood, it will take half a day to cook it.

*Feed the horse which had a foal. There are around 40 horses in this farm. The others will feed on their own.

*Feed milking cows and milk three of the cows, Salsa, Dutchess & Grazette. Only one cow, Jam who feed on her own and we don’t milk her.  
*Using the balance of strength and fingers position to grab the cow’s tits =P
*Oohhh sore hands…. But actually there is some skill to help beginner, get the calf to suck first then only milk so that the milk flows more easily.
*After that, let all of them out to the magic paddock and we always say: ”Go, Go shopping!”, and sometimes we PETER always sings an advertisement song: “Shopping time, shopping center, there is so much grass!”. Hahaha, hope they can understand us…
*Strain the freshly squeezed milk
*Feed the three cats, Sammy, Tim Tam and Meow Weow
*Let the sheepies out for walk walk.
*Make sure the sheepies doesn’t get into the chicken cage and steal food.
*9.30am Have breakfast with fresh milk and freshly hatched eggs.

*Have a break.

*About 3pm, open the chicken cage for them to ‘exercise’, that’s how we call them ‘free range chicken’.
*Feed the mother pigs again. No wonder they r so fatty!

*Walk towards the paddock to call the milkers and their calves back to yard for feed and so their calves can drink some milk. Keep the calves in their pent and let the cows out.
*Feed the one and only horse which has a foal
*Chase the sheepies back to their pent. IF we’re in luck the sheepies will just be nearby, if not, we have to walk few kms to chase them back. And make sure there are 14 of them! Cause the dingos (wild dogs) love sheeps!!! Aaarghhh… really tiring…..

"How many sheeps are there?" This is the question we need to answer everyday.

*Close the chicken cage by dark.

********That’s it for the day!**********

That’s quite a long list eh. There are other duties like picking fire woods, mixing feed for the chicken, refill animal’s feed, sometimes butchering, watering the garden and fixing fence once in a while. 

Sausage making! It’s really not hard to make sausages. We just cut the pork shoulder meat into smaller pieces then put into the meat mincer. Then add salt, sage and garlic/ginger to the mince. Then put the mixed mince into a tube that uses water power to push it into the intestine wrappers. 

Friday 29 June 2012

BoxVale Farm: Monto Truck Trip

We got the chance to follow Bill & Toni for some truck trips to the town of MONTO to get farm supplies. About 1 hour of bumpy truck ride.....

It's a small little town. Only with around 30 shops probably =P
We went to the Monto Butcher to collect the six pigs that have been sent to the meatworks earlier. The butcher cut the porkies into parts and we’ll need to process it back at the farm into mince for sausages and to make ham and bacon as well. 

3 uncle savouring their pie. How cute . . .

This is the grain mill that Bill and Toni get supplies from. We climb up these mills and got a good view of the surrounding area. About 100metres climbing the ladder up!! WOOHOO~~ Each of these mills can store up to 2000 tonnes of grains. And it’s one of the smallest in the area. The pole on the right side is the staircase and also the conveyor belt to carry the grain up the mill.

The sorghum paddock, which is also called Milo cause their colour is so similar.

This is what sorghum looks like!

Filling up the bag with sorghum, barley, and wheat for the animals!

Blog Reference

* Waste of Time
** Not Too Bad
*** Averagely OK
**** Interesting
***** MUST GO

$ Cheap
$$ A Bit Pricy
$$$ Expensive