Sunday 24 June 2012

Volunteering in BoxVale Farm, Queensland

After about two and half hour drive from Bundaberg and the last 30min of bumpy dirt road, we finally reach the town of Builyan, Boyne Valley, Queensland. We talked to our host, Toni yesterday and here we are! Getting away from the jobless life, finding something more meaningful and getting to learn more in the farm! It was used to be a farmstay, but ceased operations in 2009. But it has quite a number of animals still. We were so excited about this, and Toni seems quite friendly. Her husband, Bill only comes back every 14 days from work so we will helping Toni in feeding the animals.

This is our free bedroom! Ohh bliss, we can sleep in warm comfy bed =) 

Toni and Bill love Asian food. So we went to the supermarket in Gladstone (about 1 hr from the farm) to get our food supply for the next few weeks. We also promised to cook Malaysian food for them. This is the first time buying so many stuff at one time -->

We normally work 5 hours a day, starting off the day at 6.30am with feeding the chooks (chickens), dog, then the always so hungry piggies, horses and last but not least the cows. Ohh and the cats.

Here's the 'stars' of the farm:

 Beautiful horses. Hope to get a chance on riding them =)


the CHOOKS, and ducks and turkeys
Peter named them (above) JOKERS (as in Batman's Joker). He said their face and colours look like Joker. Well, I don't really get it =P

the Sheepy sheep
so naughty, always crawling under the fence to get to other side of pasture. Their back is bald from the crawling. LOL. "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"

BIG fella, Preston

the MILK cows

P&A cooked a big feast of Malaysian food to welcome Bill's Bro and his wife when they came for a visit. (Fr left: Angie, Toni & Bill the hosts, Joe and wife, Peter)

YUMMO~ ~ ~ Curry Laksa with rice noodles, Char Siew (BBQ pork belly), fried rice, stir fry veggies and bean curd with minced pork ~ Everyone got their thumbs up for US =P


  1. wow, yr cooking looks pro man...
    y guys owe us a BIG family feast ya :p

  2. this farm job seems a good experience & meaningful too

  3. yeah, the the bedroom is really confy lor...

  4. hehe, sure no prob. cant wait to cook at the new house ;) we really like it at the farm, such close moments with the animals. . . and there are many funny faces of the animals that is just unbelievable. . .


Blog Reference

* Waste of Time
** Not Too Bad
*** Averagely OK
**** Interesting
***** MUST GO

$ Cheap
$$ A Bit Pricy
$$$ Expensive