Monday 17 September 2012

LAST 10 days in PERTH (III)

The last dinner in Australia, and we thought we might try something new, Kangaroo meat... We have waited for a year before trying this, but it's one of the MUST try in OZ though.. LOL.. 
A: But the roos are so CUTE! 
P: The truth is they are just over populated.

Anyway it tasted a bit like beef, but less flavour. And it's 99% fat free! Such lean meat..Cooked with the same way as beef, medium rare would be alright we think. But Angie couldn't quite accept the taste.. 

All packed up, ONE year worth of stuff is all here. Many of the things were given away... And also we can't bring fruit, veges, milk and honey products into NZ...

Our flight flew from Perth to Melbourne before flying to Auckland...

The last view of the beautiful coastlines of OZ!
Feel like another scenic flight for us.

So we had our dinner at Nando's for the first time in Australia... REALLY GOOD! Yummier than Malaysia one probably.. Sooo juicy!! hehe...

Unexplainable feeling...

Waiting for our midnight flight to Auckland, writing thoughts and feelings after our one year OZ journey. And that this journey continues in New Zealand... A new chapter, fresh country.. One year is certainly enough for us in Australia, unless if we can extend another year here, we would work in Aus for the good pay.. 

Coincidentally, the background is MAS airlines.. Not this flight back to Malaysia, but next Jan.. =) It won't be a MAS still, so expensive!

However, we do miss Malaysia so much...

It had been a great one year, many helpful and friendly people we met, experiencing many of our first times in OZ, and seeing things we never thought before! Travelling around Australia in our Koala zai, sleeping in a tent is not easy, with the rough roads, natural environment and extreme weather, but it proved to be a lot of challenge and FUN.. It is something we will remember for life! For sure!!


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