Friday 7 September 2012


Perth City
The city that P&A begins their backpacking life and the city we end our trip in Australia, lots of memories and great feeling fills our heart now. We have the last 10 days in Perth, let's check out what we done in the last 10 days!

At Perth, we manage to book accommodation at North Lodge Travellers Accommodation which the aunty there gave us a really good deal. $180 (per week) for private ensuite per person. She is so kind, and she is the only one person handling the property! Geng… We have considered staying at Billabong Backpackers (which is just further down of North Lodge) but their rates are so high. It would costs $217 per week for a 4 bed dorm per person! They no longer have a weekly rate (stay 7, pay 6). So luckily we found this North Lodge. It is a quieter hostel, not many people around. Unlike Billabong!

So we had packed all our stuff in this small but comfy private room. Besides Koala (the car), we also put an ad on Gumtree to sell our tent, sleeping bags, gas stove, fishing rod, crab net, storage box & fan heater. So many stuff! And we got a buyer for our tent and stove after a day! This is great; we are slowly clearing all the stuff…

St Mary Cathedral*****, very beautiful cathedral, with modern touch in its architecture...
This is the only mass that Peter had attended after he started his backpacking life, really feels peaceful and comfort in that church.

So the only other things to do in Perth (besides updating our blog) would be EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ooohh, and meet up with friends =)

Bak Kut Teh... Always at the top of our favourite Malaysian Cuisine list.

We met Jenny back in Malaysia when we were applying for the work holiday visa, and now we meet her for the first time in Perth =) She brought us to this Indian restaurant at Swan Bell Tower, Annalakshmi which runs like a charity, so we pay what we can afford to eat this 'all you can eat' vegetarian meal with coffee/tea and orange juice. Many backpackers come to eat here for free or cheap price =P

Looks great and it taste really good!

US at King's Park.. picnicking... 

The cheapest and yummy Japanese food in Perth, TAKA restaurant @ Barrack Street.. 
Angie always miss TAKA food after our first visit to this restaurant last year.

Katsu Don

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Blog Reference

* Waste of Time
** Not Too Bad
*** Averagely OK
**** Interesting
***** MUST GO

$ Cheap
$$ A Bit Pricy
$$$ Expensive